Sunday, January 20, 2008

Memorial Service for the Unborn

Today my family and I attended the county's annual memorial service to remember the over 30 million unborn babies that have been slaughtered since 1973, when the US Supreme Court "legalized" abortion on demand on January 22. The annual service includes poems, short sermons and speaches, and music in a funeral format. Our county has some strong supporters of the cause, but we are too few it seems. Many just don't come up to stand. About 30 attended today's ceremony, and four people gave messages, including our evangelist at our church. If Christians are unwilling to stand for "the least of these", how do we expect to stand before our loving God and profess Him boldly.

Ways you can stand:
1. By all means, learn the issues and vote.
2. Write letters to the editor.
3. Donate and volunteer, if possible, to the causes that support life, like the National Right to Life PAC.
4. Join a local group concerned with the issue.
5. Pray, and again I say, pray (for good politicians, good judges, and women who are struggling with the pregancies)
6. Help people where you can. In the words of Casting Crowns, my favorite band, "love them like Jesus."