Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Marriage Amendment in Iowa

As Christians, we have a duty to stand for what is right. God created marriage as the oldest institution in history and sanctified it. As Christians, we must stand to protect it with all our vigor. Iowa has a renegade judge that has thrown out the will of the majority, as expressed by our state legislative acts, by saying our marriage laws defining a marriage as a union between one man and one woman. The judge "overthrew" this law and gave same-sex people a chance to acquire "marriage licences." Polk County has appealed this to the State Supreme Court, but do not look for the courts to solve this issue. We must fight this in the legislature and get an Iowa Marriage Amendment. To take action and learn more, go to
If you are not willing to take action on this issue this year, or at least learn more, you are not ready to fight the good fight of faith. Pray, and then act.

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