Monday, March 9, 2009

Hebrews Chapter 1-2

Hebrews is a very rich book, even for the most Gentile of Christians. We are reminded how God in Christ is such a powerful and majestic God who became man. When reading this, how can one not wish to have a personal relationship with the one who created us. He is higher than the angels. He ministers to us. He created the angels to minister us. He calls us to him as heirs of a mighty throne and as brothers, sisters, and sons. He humbled Himself to allow us to be close to His perfection despite the fact that all of us sins. He knows our nature and fellowships with us despite the fact that He is God.

For an atheist, there is no relationship with any God.
For a Hindu or Buddist, there is only ceremonies and not relationship with God.
For a Muslim, you die for your god.
As a Jew, you serve a God who has moved on to a better relationship. Your relationship is through a goat or lamb.
For a Christian, your God dies for you so you can live with Him forever.

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