Sunday, December 21, 2008

My mother

As my few readers know, my mother is very sick. She is dying. I can tell you she has been a great mom over these years. When I was growing up, she would pray for me and help me with things like homework, problems I was having at school and work, and issues with friends. When my friends, brother, and I slept in our tent in the back yard and snuck out at night to run the streets, and cause trouble, she rarely failed to catch us. She was the common sense source for me and often enabler of my lack of common sense. She was always there to bail me out of problems but never made me not learn from them and then be a better person. She kept with us despite our family issues - unruly kids and a husband who once drunbk too much alcohol. We all really respect her because she was and is a strong woman and one who would lead in the times of need, especially during my teen years. I thank her and love her.


Angie said...

That was so sweet hun! Your mom has definately been a blessing to my life and our childrens. I thank her and God for all she did for you and how she raised you! She helped to make you the man you are today!

Abbi said...

Good mothers are wonderful! That is neat to hear how special yours is to you. I am sorry to hear that she is that sick. Enjoy the time you have!

sarahsquares said...

You are very right. We have a GREAT mom!!!

Kelly said...

Jeremy just remember that God is letting this happen for a reason. It is a tough time right now, but there is a reason. It is so nice to hear a man talk about his mom in such a way. You have been truly blessed. Celebrate her life, don't dwell in your grief and pain. Let God lead you and be strong. We are praying for all of you.