Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Be aware of some things..

The FCC is proposing a bunch of regulations to the airwaves that would cause a big rise in costs to radio stations on top of regulating what you can say on the air. You don’t have to believe in God or care about Christian radio because it will affect all freedoms on the air. When you go to the following website, it will have a link on the right that says ‘save Christian radio stations.’ You click on it and it will take you to the FCC website that gives you all the regulations that they are proposing. If you do not think it is okay for the government to massively sensor the airwaves, then you need to voice your opinion. The last date to do so is Monday, April 28th. is the website. Okay, so I missed this deadline, but we still can call our Congressperson and boldly but friendly request that the so-called "fairness doctrine" be stopped. It is only a cover to create all liberal radio.

The other thing is the movie Expelled: No intelligence allowed. This is a movie by Ben Stein concerning the hypocrisy of the science academia and other branches of academia that persecutes anyone that does not conform to believing hook, line, and sinker in Darwin ’s theory of evolution. It is being criticized strongly by the evolutionists that do not want you to see it. In this day of people preaching tolerance, thinking for yourself, etc. there is blatant efforts to stop investigation and criticism of the evolution theory; in other words, you can think for yourself, just as long as you think what we tell you. No "intelligent design" beside "Darwinism" even. Truth does not fear investigation. In all the debates I have ever seen no science facts have been given to support the theory, only the statements of what they believe to happen. Students in our universities and even high schools that question the science teacher about the holes in the evolution theory were made fun of and sure to get a bad grade. No matter what you believe, it shows the hypocrisy of our society. See it and form your own opinion. That is freedom.

This topic is very potent to me, as I am a graduate of Iowa State University. An astronomy professor there this past year was denied tenure because he, on the side, not using his university time and money, published a popular book, "The priviledged planet". An athiest religion studies teacher, NOW THATS AN OXYMORON, raised a stink and got some others on his side to protest the professor's tenure application, and it was denied. I emailed the college president last year, as an alumnus, and asked him for an explanation and demanded that his religious views that do not impact his scholarly work should not be a factor in his tenure. The president did actually write back but only stated that the reason was "Mr. Gonzales work was not to the trajectory of a tenured professor." In other words, we did not bring big grants and donors to the school. I replied back that his reasoning is a joke. This story is interviewed on the movie. I hope to go see it.


JerseyNanny said...

I love Ben Stein anyway (wow) I'll have to check it out. Is it like a straight to video thing?

Jeremy said...

Not sure, Lynz.