Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Christian and Civic Life

The Christian is to live in harmony with God while living in this society. To live in harmony, we must live in subjection with the governing authorities. We have studied in church the role of Christian in the civic life. The Christian is told by God in Romans 13 to be in subjection to the governing authorities because they are 1) ordained by God, 2) given to be ministers of justice and righteousness, and 3) given a sword for a reason. We have learned much from studying this topic, even though it is challenging to accept that God is putting these governments in power, when they: 1) endorse homosexuality, 2) take away our religious freedoms, 3) endorse abortion, and 4) many leaders are corrupt. Remember, God uses the government to both lead and judge the people. They are a reflection of us. Therefore, we must live rightly, vote, and participate in government as much as God has given grace to us to do so.

If we pray only and do not vote, we are like the parable Jesus told about the man who said to the person in need, "hope you are are okay," (my paraphrase) but refuses to lift a finger to help the person in need. Pray, then participate in the process, then vote. In God we trust.

1 comment:

Abbi said...

Great post! I very much agree.