Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Iowa football coach murdered at school

The highly profiled killing today of a top-rated and popular football coach in small-town Iowa brings to the forefront the problems young people face today in a Godless school system. The youth, a 24 year old former player for the successful coach, apparently was disgruntled with the coach and has since "fallen through the crack" with the law. He had encounters with the law in the past week.

This young man decided that his life had no value. The evolutionary theory he was surely taught tells us he is a highly evolved primate with no goal except to survive. Live beyond self preservation and self gratification has little meaning. Self loathing is the dark side of the hedonism of moral relativism that comes from the evolutionary theory and junk science people are taught today from Freud to many others.

Only when we turn to God and love ourselves and each other because of God's love and mighty creation will we not turn to destroy others in our self-pity.

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