Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Honoring our Leaders

We had a good discussion today about the passage in Acts 22 related to respecting your leaders. In this passage, Paul calls the high priest a whitewashed tomb. He is rebuked for his disrespect of a leader of the people, a command in the Law of Moses. He repents but no apology is given, because, I believe Paul stood by his words about the man. So what is the fine line of standing for God and yet not disrespecting the human leader? I think, from studying other examples in Scripture, that a Christian is to stand strong on the truth but not personally attack the leader and not disrespect the office. Certainly, we are not to hate our leaders, even if we hate their actions and policies. Pray for them and honor them, but don't just ignore their actions.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Interesting Honey... Still doesn't make it easy to understand I don't think. It's very hard for me to diferenciate!