Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Historic Day

It is not a secret that I don't support Obama. As a Christian, I have fears about what the people in his leadership will attempt to do to this nation and to the values I hold dear.

Consider the following. Obama's success to make it to office is in part due to the current mentality of our people. No doubt the failures of Republican leadership helped, but just consider this.

No democracy can last forever because as long as people can vote to give themselves handouts, the nation cannot sustain itself. The cycle is as follows (the Bible supports this pattern over past history):
Oppression leads to revolution and freedom
Freedom leads to honoring God
Honoring God leads to prosperity
Prosperity leads to compacency
Complacency leads to apathy
Apathy leads to laziness
Laziness leads to dependence
Dependence leads to subjection
Subjection leads to oppression

We need to continue to pray for this nation and for the things that are most important.

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