Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Why Conservatives Lost the Election

There is widespread speculation as to why the Republicans, including m0st conservatives, lost the election. Some say even the focus on social issues is the main cause. I strongly disagree. Here are the main reasons, period:
1. Voters took out the economic uncertainty on the President. This is expected, especially when the mainstream media was quick to paste the blame on W. Because the President was already not very popular, it was easy to "clean house" of his party.
2. Voters believed the message of change at a time of an unpopular President. They did not see Republicans as agents of change.
3. They weighed W's incompetence much higher than the Dem's incompetence at running the Congress, which had only 9% approval rating.
4. Voters fell for Obama's charisma. It did not matter what he said, the public wanted to hear it. Reminds me of Hitler.
5. Republicans have abandoned conservatism and the party platform in order to out-left the left.
6. Republicans have simply been unable to develop a clear and concise message, such as the 1994 "Contract with America."
7. Democrats have out-strategized and out campaigned Republicans at all levels, so that even better Republicans have been beat.
8. Republicans simply have not had the best candidates or were unwilling to back those that were. Consider my county in Iowa, Union County. Our county went for Obama by 51% to 48% or so. Our congressman Steve King, who is very conservative fiscally and socially, got well over 60% of the vote in our county. Another lady in an open seat State Senate race won the county by over 55%. When the message gets out and the candidate campaigns well, he or she can win in a Democratic year.
9. Republicans are infighting in Iowa right now. The right leaders are needed to ensure that the entire platform is advanced, social, fiscal, economic, and foreign issues. The Dems are taking advantage by putting in somewhat conservative candidates and stealing seats.
10. Illegal money is coming into campaigns. Gay agenda money is being used to target and oust good conservative candidates. The church is too spineless or ambivalent to go in and fight back.
11. 2 Chronicles 7:14: The church is not seeking God and demanding Godliness in their candidates and voting for what is right instead of their pocketbooks.
12. The financial crisis hit at a bad time for the Republicans in office and they did not have a clear message, except the bailout, which was the wrong message, to solve it. Without clear alternatives, the Democrat's approach for big government made sense. Now, we'll pay for it.

Any other suggestions?? Why not add a 13th.

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